We received this comment from Marvel Marketing Communications Manager Bill Rosemann in response to our article on the departure of Marvel VP Matt Ragone (see 'Matt Ragone Ankles Marvel').  Rosemann took extreme issue with our reporting of his expression:


I just wanted you to know that I found it both malicious and in extremely poor taste that you 'reported' that I smiled when I told you that Matt Ragone was no longer with Marvel.  I don't know if you were trying to be cute and imply to the public that I was happy that Matt was gone.  If so, nothing could be further from the truth.  I worked many years with Matt and, like everyone else says, agree that he was a nice guy.  So if I did smile it was either out of natural nervousness in the face of such news or was an expression communicating that I was not able to further talk about the situation.  I would appreciate a retraction or a clarification, but I suppose that doesn't matter to you.  You got your snide little phrase in and displayed that you take enjoyment in other people's discomfort.  Congrats!


We weren't trying to imply anything; we just reported what happened.  We stand by our story.--ed.