In April Image Comics will publish Fell: Feral City, a trade paperback collecting the first eight issues of Warren Ellis' crime comic Fell, which is illustrated by Ben Templesmith. Image has had to reprint every issue of Fell so far, indicating that the Eisner-nominated series is one of the most popular of the new wave of crime comics.
Fell chronicles the life of Detective Richard Fell, a big city cop transferred over the bridge to Snowtown, a feral district whose police investigations department numbers three and a half people (one detective has no legs). Dumped in this collapsing urban trashzone, Fell is starting all over again and his ongoing story delivers visceral morality tales from the periphery of city life. In a place where nothing seems to make any sense, Detective Fell clings to the one thing he knows to be true: Everybody's hiding something.
The 152-page full color Fell: Feral City trade paperback will have a cover price of $14.99 and will go on sale on April 14th.