Free Comic Book Day is coming up on May 5th, and retailers still have time to polish their plans. The wide array of comics this year (see '44 Titles Available for Free Comic Book Day') is giving an extra push to the event.
One of the most effective tools to create the best FCBD event can be television, and retailers can log onto Diamond's Online Retailer Services area to view and download the FCBD 2007 Promotional Commercial Video that can be customized with store information for use on local TV stations. The promo video and other customized versions can also be seen on YouTube.
Like last year, Diamond's Website also has downloads of an FCBD fill-in-the-blank press release, logos and comic book cover art files, information on ordering banners, event calendar listing, tips on attracting and managing local coverage, and FCBD talking points.
The site also has an area with suggestions for ways to use FCBD to begin or enrich a cross-promotional relationship between stores and libraries that will benefit both throughout the year; and retailers can download an introductory form letter and find a potential match with interested libraries.
The FCBD MySpace page, which launched for last year's event, has 1,700 linked 'friend' pages so far, a nice bounce from last year's level. Retailers with MySpace pages are encouraged to link to the FCBD MySpace page if they haven't already.