Comics2Film is reporting that Phil Hester and Andy Kuhn's Firebreather comic (published by Image) is in development as an animated series.  The Cartoon Network is reportedly developing an animated version of the high concept comic about a teen whose mother is an ordinary woman, but whose father is an ancient fire-breathing dragon.  Adolescence is tough, but it's even harder if you have scaly orange skin and a seriously dangerous form of halitosis. Hester's saga of a teenage half-dragon, which he originally pitched to Marvel as the story of a new Young Avenger who was the son of Fin Fang Foom, was previously optioned by Paramount and Nickelodeon Films (see 'Dioramas Optioned').


The first four issues of Firebreather have been collected into a trade paperback and an ongoing series is slated to debut in 2008.