We knew it was coming when we spotted a vintage Strawberry Shortcake t-shirt on the Gen-X coed at our neighborhood coffee store a few weeks back.  After all, if boys properties from the 80s are being mined for the new millennium (see 'Top Movie/TV Stories of 2001'), why not girls?  Now according to ZENtertainment, DIC Entertainment (Sailor Moon) is going to be bringing back Strawberry Shortcake with four OAV releases beginning next January.  Toys and apparel are also planned.  With over 2000 active auctions for Strawberry Shortcake collectibles on eBay, the property obviously has a large fan base for all kinds of merchandise.
We won't hold our breath waiting for a revival of the Marvel comic, which died a dogs death at the time (we remember selling about 30 copies an issue at one of the largest direct distributors), but with shojo manga an increasingly important segment (see 'Top Anime Stories of 2001'), perhaps it's not so farfetched that the property could find a home at one of the comic houses that seem to be specializing in 80s revivals.