Marvel Comics has launched its first digital comics application on the Facebook platform.  Marvel's first Facebook application allows fans to peruse the entire Marvel Digital Universe Unlimited Collection that  Marvel launched in November (see "Marvel Launches Subscription Site"), and it will function as a hub for the entire Marvel Universe on Facebook.  While a number of other comic book publishers have chosen to promote their titles on MySpace, the third most popular Website in the United States, Marvel decided to work with Facebook, the sixth most traveled Web site in the U.S.  Facebook has a very successful application platform; MySpace only recently opened up to outside applications.


Anyone who fills out the application will be eligible to look (for free) at some sample Marvel digital comics, browse all of the more than 3,000 Marvel Digital Universe Unlimited titles by series, creators, characters or by the most recent additions to the collection, announce their favorites by listing them on "My Must Reads," and find out what digital comics their friends are enjoying.


Marvel's Facebook home will also include character image galleries, videos, and information on Marvel Studios' upcoming movies like Iron Man.  While some smaller comic publishers have had some success using the popular social networking websites such as MySpace and Facebook usually by allowing potential fans to read a good portion (or even all) of a new issue, this represents the first major effort by one of the "big two" publishers to harness the power of these increasingly potent Internet venues.