Barry Branvold of Barry's Collectors Corner in
John Riley's article, "Sharpening the Sword--New Competitor in the 'Hood," was very insightful for me. I also had a new store open in my town (
They started with new and old comics, sports cards, supplies, and games. They checked me out first and priced everything one penny less. I also did the "checking out" the day they opened and realized they would have little effect on most of my mainstream products. I still have customers who don't know they are there, now after a year. I actually found out about them through a wholesaler 1,000 miles away. I sometimes wonder how they survive and pay rent, until I was told their father (two young kids) owns the building. I, much like John Riley, have found they actually make me work harder and try to be better at what I do. I have also sent people to them, though I do not think the reverse to be true. I have found many of their customers to be my customers who are gamers and go there to hang out and do roleplaying games.
They eventually found the market for comics and cards was not going to be profitable and they really had no sense of what to order. I checked on them a second time, two months after the opening and they still had the same 10 copies of the initial comics titles they had ordered and the same sports card product, with no sales.
I run a comic store that carries other things; they run a game store that tried other things. I guess they have found their niche and for the most part have been good for the area and good for me.
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