Bobby Stickel, Marketing Coordinator at Privateer Press, read John Cashman's comments (see “John Cashman of Cashman’s Comics on Secret Invasion Promotion”) about comic/game store promotions, and says Privateer has another idea:


I read John Cashman's Talk Back, "Not Fair to Stores That Carry Comics and Games," and wanted to chime in, since we at Privateer Press are getting closer to launching our new CMG, Monsterpocalypse.  As you may already know, Monsterpocalypse is a collectible miniatures game that ALSO features a comic book series.  I feel that we have a solution to Mr. Cashman's concern, in that we will be running a promotion that ALL comic and game retailers can participate in. Players can receive a free Limited Edition figure for Monsterpocalypse by purchasing all three issues of the comic miniseries from a non-Internet retailer, and submitting receipts to Privateer Press who will in turn mail the figure to the store where the comics were purchased.


Any store, whether they carry only games, only comics, or both can participate in this promotion provided they have the three-issue miniseries to sell.  We've found an opportunity to run a promotion that doesn't tax the time or resources of the retailer, but generates sales, promotes both the CMG and the comic, and gives players another reason to go back into the store.  The promotion will kick off this fall, when both the comic and CMG are released, and gives all stores the chance to participate.  The Core has always supported Privateer Press, and we continue to support them in as many ways as we can, which is also why Monsterpocalypse is not available in the mass market.


The opinions expressed in this Talk Back article are solely those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff of