Eric Powell has announced on his Website that his comic book series The Goon will be adapted into a computer-animated feature film courtesy of Blur Studios, Dark Horse Entertainment, and David Fincher.  Dark Horse Comics has been publishing Powell’s highly original, fantasy-tinged, depression-era, genre-bending saga of a mesomorphic dock walloper since 2003.


David Fincher, director of Se7en, Fight Club, and Zodiac, has optioned the property and will produce The Goon animated feature.  Fincher has also been involved with other comic book-based movie projects including Charles Burns’ Black Hole (see “David Fincher to Direct Black Hole”).


According to The Hollywood Reporter, Dark Horse plans on developing The Goon in-house before shopping it to a studio (Universal has a “first look” deal with Dark Horse that would presumably mean it could distribute the film if it so chooses).


Blur Studios is known for its work on commercials and short films such as the Academy Award-nominated “Gopher Broke,” but this will be the company’s first foray into feature animation.