An ICv2 release. ICv2, with the support of sponsors Topps, Diamond Comic Distributors, and WizKids, LLC, is launching its 'May Movie Moolah' promotion today, which includes prize drawings, a free Kit from WizKids, a display contest with major prizes (including some from prize sponsors Dark Horse Comics and Ballantine Books), and information on how to market products from the category with the greatest potential in pop culture stores -- entertainment licensed merchandise--with special emphasis on Spider-Man and Star Wars: Episode II.
The summer blockbuster season has been starting earlier and earlier each year, and 2002 is no exception. One of the best merchandising opportunities of the summer, Spider-Man, opens May 3. That weekend will be a key weekend in pop culture stores, not only because of the release of Spider-Man, but because of Free Comic Book Day (see 'Dressing the Store for Free Comic Book Day') and the release of WizKids' latest miniature game -- based on Marvel characters.
Then only two weeks later, on May 17, Star Wars Episode II opens, presenting retailers with a second major May merchandising opportunity. Star Wars has been an evergreen property in pop culture stores for the last 25 years, and Episode II offers retailers the chance not only to take advantage of that long-term exposure, but also to ride what the advance buzz is indicating could be a return to cult hit status.
So given that May is the time, movies are the events, and moolah is what retailers can make, ICv2 and its sponsors have organized the May Movie Moolah promotion to help retailers take maximum advantage of these two blockbuster events. First, you can win big prizes by registering with Topps and Diamond, and you can get a free Marvel HeroClix Tournament Kit from WizKids. Here's how:
Topps -- Register To Win Uncut Sheets
Topps uncut sheets don't get out much, and as a result they're highly prized by collectors. That makes them valuable in their own right, as well as cool items to hang in your store or to use as promotional items. Topps is making both Spider-Man and Star Wars uncut sheets available as part of this promotion, so be sure to register now, then check back during the Star Wars leg of the May Movie Moolah promotion to register for the Star Wars Episode II sheets. You get three chances to win, and the prizes are up to five uncut sheets. This contest has now ended--watch ICv2 for the winners!
Diamond -- Register To Win Spidey and Green Goblin Mini-busts!
Diamond Comic Distributors, Inc. is conducting a drawing for Diamond Select's cool new mini-busts based on the key characters in the Spider-Man movie. The Ultimate Spider-Man Mini-bust is sculpted by Sam Greenwell and designed in conjunction with Mark Bagley; it's around 6-1/2' tall. The Ultimate Green Goblin Mini-bust is sculpted by Gabriel Marquez, also in conjunction with Bagley, and stands 8' tall. Box art for both is by Bagley. Editions are 10,000 each. This contest has now ended--watch ICv2 for the winners!
WizKids -- Get a Free Marvel HeroClix Tournament Kit!
WizKids is releasing its Marvel HeroClix collectible miniature game just in time for the release of the Spider-Man movie, and it has a lot going for it. The painted miniatures of Marvel characters will be eminently collectible, and the play will be based on the highly successful system developed for Mage Knight. Running events in your store is the best way to get your customers playing (and buying) this game, and now you can get free support from WizKids to make that happen. Click here to sign up for your free Marvel HeroClix Tournament Kit.
Enter the May Movie Moolah Display Contest
Another way for retailers to get involved in displaying movie merchandise more aggressively is to enter our May Movie Moolah Display Contest. With prizes worth $2000, $1000, and $600 for the first, second, and third place finishers in this contest, it's definitely worth entering, especially since it's so easy. The sponsors (and Dark Horse and Ballantine, who are prize sponsors) have contributed a complete Marvel HeroClix set, a complete set of Dark Horse Star Wars trade paperbacks, Topps Spider-Man and Star Wars Episode II uncut sheets and boxes of cards, prize packs from Diamond, and more!
For the list of what you can get in the First Prize, worth over $2400 retail, see 'First Prize--May Movie Display Contest.'
For the list of what you can get in the Second Prize, worth over $1000 retail, see 'Second Prize -- May Movie Display Contest.'
For the list of what you can get in the Third Prize, worth over $600 retail, see 'Third Prize -- May Movie Display Contest.'
For the display contest rules and how to enter, see 'May Movie Moolah Display Contest.'
Movie merchandise is a key opportunity for the summer, because it's when studios schedule their blockbuster releases, especially the action adventure movies that are most popular with the clients of pop culture stores. That gives retailers two ways to capitalize -- by selling movie and related merchandise to the customers that already frequent their stores, and by drawing in new customers that are specifically looking for items related to the movie. With entertainment and character merchandising a $25 billion+ business, there's plenty to go around, especially if the retailer buys smart and merchandises well. For an overview of the movie merchandise business, see 'Navigating the Movie Merchandise Minefield.' For an enlightening interview with Long Beach retailer Darin Erickson on how he's successful with movie merchandise despite close competition from a discount chain, see 'Moving Movie Merchandise, Part I.' For a look at the 2002 movies, and which ones might be merchandising powerhouses, see 'Best in Shows -- 2002.'