Mongoose Publishing co-founder Matthew Sprange today announced that the company would become a “sister company” to Rebellion, the top independent electronic game developer in the United Kingdom and owner of the rights to 2000 AD and the Judge Dredd character.
In a statement released on the Mongoose Web site, Sprange said: “As of today (well, technically two weeks ago, as some things were dated beforehand), Mongoose Publishing has officially joined the Rebellion Group, becoming a sister company to Rebellion itself, the largest independent computer games developer in Europe. If you have seen the Aliens vs. Predator games, you have seen their work. Rebellion is also, of course, the owner of the 2000 AD comic (featuring Judge Dredd), and Abaddon Books (who have an exquisite taste when it comes to authors).”
Rebellion’s videogame development credits also include The Simpsons Game, Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron, and the PSP version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, as well as a few titles based on the Judge Dredd character and 2000 AD universe.
Sprange went on to promise “some very exciting projects” in the future for Mongoose and Rebellion. With Rebellion now holding a hat trick of geek categories in its portfolio (videogames, comics, and tabletop games), the cross-fertilization opportunities are substantial. The company’s new Wraith Recon RPG coming out in October (see “Third-Party 4E Releases”) would seem a fitting candidate for translation into comic-book or videogame form.