Bluewater Productions has announced the June publication of a comic book biography of Caroline Kennedy, the latest in the publisher’s Female Force series dedicated to presenting the lives of influential and iconic women.  So far the series has been limited to women in politics with volumes on Senator Hillary Clinton, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, and Michelle Obama, wife of the president-elect.


Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of the late President John F. Kennedy, had long eschewed public life.  But in the wake of the election of Barack Obama she has declared her interest in receiving an appointment as the junior senator from New York, replacing Hillary Clinton when Ms. Clinton is approved for the post of Secretary of State in the Obama administration.


While many political observers believe that Caroline Kennedy, an accomplished author, attorney and education advocate, will be chosen by Governor Patterson to fill out Senator Clinton’s term, it is by no means a done deal, which means that this comic book represents something of a gamble by Bluewater.  Written by Neal Bailey and drawn by Ryan Howe, the Caroline Kennedy one-shot will be in comics shops in June.