Mike Milewski of M & M Comic Service in San Antonio, Texas is back (see "Mike Milewski of M & M Comic Service on Amazing Spider-Man #583") with some additional thoughts on the appearance of President Obama in Amazing Spider-Man #583:

Here are some more of my thoughts on Amazing Spider-Man #583.


When you think of Jimmy Carter what comes to mind?  Peanuts!  When you think of Ronald Reagan what comes to mind?  Jelly Beans!  When you think of Bill Clinton what comes to mind?  We won't go there.  When you think of Barack Obama what comes to mind?  Spider-Man!  Not just Spider-Man but Spider-Man comic books!


Marvel has a huge job on their hands.  I'm sure they know of the golden opportunity they have to associate our new President with Spider-Man.  The next four to eight years could be a glorious time for us in the comic book business.  Marvel has orchestrated a masterful first volley to get the world to associate Spider-Man COMICS with our new President.


As of today my orders to Diamond for the various versions and printings of Amazing Spider-Man #583 will be 800% my original orders.  Not bad at all.  And I'm sure it won't stop there.  This is the very beginning of a long journey that could be the best thing that ever happened to comics.


Either somebody at Marvel is a genius or incredibly lucky.  What's with this story line with Peter Parker going on a date?  I don't know about you but we have seen a huge increase in women customers.  Many of whom might actually read the comic and who knows might actually want to read Amazing Spider-Man on a regular basis.  It was a perfect story for that entirely new audience.  I've already upped my orders on consecutive issues and I see many of those who dropped Amazing Spider-Man returning.


Our job here is to be positive and get the word out that our new President is a Spider-Man comic book collector.  Get all those Obama fans interested in Amazing Spider-Man.  Teach all those moms coming into your store about "with great power comes great responsibility" and that their impressionable young sons and daughters just might want to read about that on a regular basis.  Who knows?  We can try!

The opinions expressed in this Talk Back article are solely those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect of the editorial staff of ICv2.com.