Archie Comics will publish five one-shot comics that bring back the superhero titles that launched Archie (then MLJ) comics in the 1930s and 1940s. Film producer Michael Uslan, who wrote the Archie wedding issues this summer (see “Archie Gets Married”) will write the comics. They will feature the entire Archie gang as superheroes, including Archie as Pureheart the Powerful, Betty as Superteen, Jughead as Captain Hero, Reggie as Evilheart, and more, collectively Pureheart’s Emergency Patrol.
The five MLJ titles that will be brought back as one-shots are Pep Comics (which introduced The Shield), Jackpot Comics, Blue Ribbon Comics (revived more recently as a home for the T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents), Zip Comics (which starred Steel Sterling, the Man of Steel), and Top-Notch Laugh Comics (which featured everyone from Black Hood to Jughead).
The Pureheart and the Pureheart Emergency Patrol one-shots will be released early in 2010.