A new film based on The Shadow has been in the works since 2006 when Sam Raimi acquired the movie rights to the saga of the ruthless masked avenger with his blazing twin .45 automatics (see “The Shadow Lurks at Columbia”). Raimi had tried and failed to get the rights to The Shadow in the 1980s, and the director’s 1990 film Darkman was quite obviously influenced by The Shadow.
According to Peter Georgiou of IESB, who has read the script by Siavash Farahani that Raimi commissioned, “Raimi is itching to get back in the director’s chair ASAP and wants The Shadow to be his next directorial feature. He loves the character and flipped over this latest draft.” Given Raimi’s longstanding interest in the character, this story has the ring of truth, and IESB was one of the first sources in