The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund’s Comic-Con Live Art Auction, which will be held on July 24th starting at 7:30 pm in Room 3 of the San Diego Convention Center, has become an important part of the organization’s funding.  Preview slideshows and bidding rules can be found on the CBLDF Website.


Among the rare items that will sold to benefit the CBLDF are the framed original Dave McKean art for Page 96 of Black Orchid from Neil Gaiman’s personal collection, a MUTHR (Mobile Utility Task Help Robot) maquette sculpted and painted by Martin Meunier and based on a character created by Tony DiTerlizzi (The Spiderwick Chronicles) for a new trilogy, Etnies sneakers customized by Jill Thompson, David Mack, and Eric Powell, as well as original art created at the CBLDF Master Sessions by Paul Pope, Rob Liefeld, Jill Thompson, Terry Moore, and Darick Robertson.


In addition there is collection of original art assembled by the folks from Things From Another World.  Last year the art from comics professionals gathered by TFAW raised over $30,000 for the CBLDF.  This year the TFAW portion of the auction returns with original art from an array of top tier creators including Ben Templesmith, Charles Adlard, Darick Robertson, Fabio Moon, Phil Foglio, Jeff Lemire, Jenny Frison, Jim Lee, Moritat, Peter Bagge, Phil Hester, and Jim Valentino.