Glen Soustek of Westlake Cards, Comics & Coins, Inc. in Roselle, Illinois writes in to air his displeasure with what he found in the Marvel August 2010 solicitations.

So this morning I downloaded my Previews on Windows August 2010 files so I could set up some online ordering files for my customers... only there was a problem.  Rather than being straight up with dealers Marvel has decided to screw around with yet another ill-conceived promotion by listing a number of their August solicitations as "TBA at SDCC."  REALLY!?!  Well, if you can't be bothered to tell your "dealer partners" in advance what these MARVELous gimmicks are, I can't be bothered to wait.  I've got other things to do, so I guess I'll just skip listing those "TBA at SDCC" titles in my August solicitations.

Note to Marvel: the entire comic industry DOES NOT revolve around San Diego.  To inconvenience every dealer simply because you've got a big announcement to make doesn't work for me.  I'm tired of "gimmicks," announcements, variant, variants of variants and every other cheap trick being used by publishers to lead us once again down the path of destruction that this industry faced a generation ago.  I'm busy enough that I have to allocate my time -- carefully.  I don't need Marvel (or anyone else) throwing roadblocks up in my way when I'm trying to get things done.

The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff of