Working Title Films has acquired the rights to the multiple Eisner and Harvey Award-winning Astro City. Written by Kurt Busiek and co-created and illustrated by Brent Anderson with character designs and covers by Alex Ross, the sporadically published series, which debuted from Image in 1995 and is now published by Wildstorm/DC, is considered one of the most intelligent and involving superhero dramas of the modern era—a judgment that is borne out by the more than 20 major comics industry awards that the property has earned over its 15-year history.
First optioned back in 2003 (see “Astro City Optioned”), Astro City appears to have finally found a home with Working Title. With its epic scope Astro City has more than enough material for a movie franchise (or a long-form TV serial drama). With Working Title, which has produced films as diverse as Four Weddings and a Funeral, O Brother Where Art Thou?, Love Actually, About a Boy, Atonement, and Shaun of the Dead, Busiek, who is going to be writing a film treatment, and Astro City might finally have found the right studio partner.