Ilan Strasser of Fat Moose Comics and Games in Whippany, New Jersey read Chris Walsh's comments directed towards his Talk Back about the upcoming DC price increases (see "Chris Walsh of Friendly Frank'€™s B-Bop Comics Revisits DC Price Hikes") and had this to say.

Thanks to Chris Walsh for adding his opinions about my comments.  All of what he says is true.  But that does not mitigate the fact that ALL of the price hikes instituted in the last two years have cost most stores a larger and larger share of both their regular and casual customers.  And as a larger percentage of books from both Marvel & DC join the higher-level price points, this will only cost retailers more and more customers.  And this continuous price gouging comes at a time when comics fans have digital options available that weren't a factor about a year ago.  Add to that the constant addition of new titles, the over saturation of existing titles that were popular when there were only one in a line (i.e., Deadpool, where sales have dropped 33% per Deadpool title in my store over the last 4 months), and the prognosis is dim.  I'm not in panic mode -- I'm just realistic.

The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff of