Kathy Bottarini of Comic Book Box in Rohnert Park, California read Mitch Cutler's Talk Back regarding DC's Sales Rep Pat O’Connell (see "Mitch Cutler of St. Mark's Comics on DC Sales Reps") and had this to say:

I wanted to put my agreement with Mitch Cutler's.  I don't get to chat with Pat often, except when he's filling in, and he has always done good by me -- just as ALL of the DC reps that have proceeded.  I LOVE that DC reaches out to retailers to help us do our jobs, that relationship is priceless.  While I can understand Kendall Swafford's frustration, if you have to say, "I'm not trying to throw him under the bus," well quite frankly, you are not only throwing Pat under the bus, but every retailer who benefits from a weekly call from DC Comics.  If you are not benefiting from a weekly call, then ask to be taken off their call list.  

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