Red, which is based on the comic book written by Warren Ellis and illustrated by Cully Hammer, received a surprise Golden Globe nomination in the “Best Motion Picture-Comedy or Musical" category.   Produced by Summit Entertainment after Warner Bros. passed on the DC Comics controlled property, Red also surprised at the box office where it has earned nearly $90 million domestically and an additional $73 million overseas.


The other comic book-based property to earn a nomination was Robert Kirkman’s The Walking Dead, which received a nomination in the “Best Television Series-Drama” category.  After just six episodes, the zombie epic has established itself as one of the most highly-rated series on cable (see “Walking Dead Ratings Tops”).


Batman helmer Christopher Nolan received both a “Best Director” and a “Best Screenplay” nomination for his original science fiction thriller Inception, which also received a “Best Picture-Drama” nod and was the true surprise hit of 2009 with a worldwide gross of over $825 million.


Darren Aronofsky, who is directing the next Wolverine movie, managed to snare a number of nominations for his dark ballet drama Black Swan, which received a number of nods including “Best Picture,” “Best Director,” “Best Actress” (Natalie Portman), and “Best Supporting Actress” (Mila Kunis).


The lovable comic book-themed geekfest that is The Big Bang Theory received a "Best Television Series-Comedy or Musical” nomination as well as a “Best Performance By an Actor in a Television Series-Comedy or Musical” nod for Jim Parsons.