Marvel released two pieces of teaser art on Wednesday, promoting two superteam releases from the coming months. X-Men First to Last depicts two teams of X-Men from different eras in a face-off. The storyline will start in Giant Size X-Men #1 and continue in X-Men #11.
The Final Issue of Fantastic Four (#588) promo piece is part of an ongoing campaign behind the last two issues of
Fantastic Four (#587 and #588).
A team member is slated to meet his or her end in #587, and the issue is being shipped with a polybag masking the cover to heighten the suspense.
Spoiler Variant, with cover art by John Cassaday, will ship one week after #587 hits stores.
Issue #587 will not be distributed on newsstands and will not be overprinted.
Comic stores have been given a price incentive to order heavily to provide enough copies to meet demand created by anticipated mainstream media coverage.
This art is for the following issue, #588, which is slated to be the last issue of Marvel’s longest-running title.