DC is releasing the new ongoing Batman Beyond comic series (which launched January 5th) digitally day & date with the comic store release date. The digital release includes ComiXology, the PlayStation Network, and at DCComics.com.  The retail price will be the same ($2.99) digitally and in print.
Batman Beyond is based on the animated series, and DC hopes that the digital release will “reach that audience and bring back any fans of the show who may be lapsed comic readers,” DC SVP of Digital Hank Kanalz said. The original 24-issue series and last year’s miniseries are currently available digitally. 
DC also announced several other titles that will be released digitally day and date with the print release: Justice League: Generation Lost #17 and #18, Young Justice #0, and Driver Special #1.
Marvel announced last week that it will release the issues in its “Death of Spider-Man” storyline digitally at the same time as it releases the print editions (see “Marvel Goes Day & Date”).