Don Bunning of Hobby Horse in Decatur, Illinois responded to Marvel COO Bill Jemas' recent statements in the Marvel press conference (see 'Jemas Bristles at 'DC-Promulgated Lie'') and to his Open Letter to retailers (see 'Marvel's Bill Jemas Tells the Truth'):
First off I would like to comment on Jemas' comment about Heidi MacDonald's recent column in the weekly Comics Buyers Guide. I think that it is quite possible that a majority of retailers are against Marvel's current no-overprint policy. To prove this, I hearby ask ICv2 to run some kind of poll. I know that I would be very interested in the outcome as I would be voting against Marvel's current policy. Maybe even have one poll for retailers and one for customers/collectors.
Secondly, I have a comment about Jemas' 'Open letter' in which he states:
'When a Marvel book gets hot, and there are more buyers than there are copies in the market, then I can mark up the book. I tuck it in a plastic sleeve. Our mark-ups add up. Us owners get large.'
Most of us retailers realize that when you start to mark up items like that (especially if it is the current issue), you start to slowly lose your customers that are on a limited budget. Basically, it is easier to get 100 people to spend $2.50 each than it is to get 1 person to spend $100. The profit is in the volume.