Earlier this week Supernatural creator Eric Kripke, who was handpicked by Warner Bros. to shepherd the long-gestating Sandman property to the small screen told reporters that the series was “not in the works, at least for this season” (see “Sandman TV Series Torpedoed”). Kripke didn’t explain why the series was a no-go, attributing it to “lots of varying reasons,” a vague declaration that didn’t make fans too happy about the prospects for the popular property in the TV medium.
Then DC’s Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns jumped on Twitter with a major contradiction: “Correction to the world: The Sandman is awake. Psyched to be working with @neilhimself on developing one of the greatest series ever!” (@neilhimself is Gaiman’s Twitter name).
Then Johns followed up with a second tweet: “Sandman in any form—comics to live action—doesn’t work without @neilhimself.”
There is no confirmation of Johns report, but he should be in a position to know, and there is no indication that anyone hijacked his Twitter handle.