Kirby Tardy of Tardy's Collectors Corner in Grand Rapids, Michigan writes in to share how much he is enjoying having his Diamond shipment arriving on Tuesdays.

Little comment has been made about Tuesday delivery, the greatest thing to come our way since order adjustments were started!  I have tried to get our books a day ahead for years simply because it had the greatest potential impact on easing my weekly life cycle at little to no cost.  Now that it is finally reality I wish I had pushed harder!  I think everybody would agree that Tuesdays have become more fulfilling as a work day (and a day to look forward to) and Wednesdays have lost so much drama that was present before with trying to do too much in too short a time period.  My thanks to all who helped make this possible.  It does show that this business is not ALL gloom and doom.  Now if we could get some more publishers on the order adjustment program, our usable dollars might grow.

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