Sales of the second month of DC’s New 52 titles (all #2s) declined only 6% from the sales levels of the #1s, less than half the typical decay between the first and second issues of new series. Sales on 14 of the #2s were up from the first issues, fifteen if you count Justice League, which was up from the August number but down from the combined August and September sales.
Many but not all of the DC #2s were shipped returnable; in those cases, Diamond applies a return reserve of 10% against the sell-in numbers and uses that to calculate its indexes, which are how we calculate our sales estimates. That means the numbers shown in our sales estimates for those returnable books are lower than the actual sell-in numbers, but could be higher (or lower) than the final numbers.
Many but not all of the DC #2s were shipped returnable; in those cases, Diamond applies a return reserve of 10% against the sell-in numbers and uses that to calculate its indexes, which are how we calculate our sales estimates. That means the numbers shown in our sales estimates for those returnable books are lower than the actual sell-in numbers, but could be higher (or lower) than the final numbers.
The biggest gainers were Animal Man, up 14%; and Detective and Swamp Thing, up 7%.
The biggest losers were Superman and Blackhawks, both down 26%.
The second issues of the New 52 “controversy” books, Catwoman and Red Hood and the Outlaws, both of which drew attention and criticism because of female characters in sex-charged outfits having casual sex (see “New 52 Controversies”), were both up 6% vs. the #1 issues.
Six of the #2s charted above 100,000, same as the number of #1s above 100,000 last month. Marvel also had a title over 100,000, Incredible Hulk #1 at around 106,000.
DC had 19 of the top 25 titles, the top six titles, and seven of the top 10. Marvel had three of the top 10 and six of the top 25.
The top book from a publisher other than the Big Two was Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 Freefall #2, from Dark Horse Comics, at #64. Two Walking Dead issues were the only other books in the Top 100 from a publisher other than the Big Two.
The graphic novel numbers were uninspiring. The top book, DC’s Flashpoint hardcover collection (which led into the New 52), sold only around 5,600 copies.
Here are ICv2’s estimates of the sales the “Top 25” comic titles sold through Diamond Comic Distributors in October:
180,709 Justice League #2
172,428 Batman #2
153,855 Action Comics #2
142,344 Green Lantern #2
114,137 Flash #2
110,789 Detective Comics #2 [*]
106,472 Incredible Hulk #1
95,855 Wolverine and X-Men #1
95,599 Fear Itself #7
94,233 Superman #2 [*]
90,445 Batman The Dark Knight #2 [*]
88,926 Batman and Robin #2 [*]
79,060 Wonder Woman #2
75,227 Batgirl #2 [*]
74,392 Batwoman #2
72,107 Teen Titans #2 [*]
71,713 Green Lantern New Guardians #2
71,240 Aquaman #2 [*]
70,651 Green Lantern Corps #2 [*]
66,747 Red Lanterns #2 [*]
65,749 Nightwing #2 [*]
60,212 Uncanny X-Men #544
59,490 Justice League International #2 [*]
59,464 Fear Itself Fearless #1
59,426 Amazing Spider-Man #671
For an analysis of the dollar trends in October, see "DC Crushes Marvel."
For our estimates of actual sales by DiamondU.S. from comic specialty stores on comic books shipped during October, see "Top 300 Comics Actual--October 2011."
For our estimates of actual sales by DiamondU.S. from comic specialty stores on graphic novels shipped during October, see "Top 300 Graphic Novels Actual--October 2011."
For our estimates of actual sales by DiamondU.S. from comic specialty stores on comic books shipped during September, see "Top 300 Comics Actual--September 2011."
For our estimates of actual sales by DiamondU.S. from comic specialty stores on graphic novels shipped during September, see "Top 300 Graphic Novels Actual--September 2011."
For an overview and analysis of the best-selling comics and graphic novels in September, see "'Batman' #1 Tops September Sales." For an analysis of the dollar trends in September, see "DC Wins September Market Share."
For our index to our reports on the top comic and graphic novel preorders for January 2000 through October 2011, see "ICv2's Top 300 Comics and Top 300 GNs Index."
Here are ICv2’s estimates of the sales the “Top 25” comic titles sold through Diamond Comic Distributors in October:
180,709 Justice League #2
172,428 Batman #2
153,855 Action Comics #2
142,344 Green Lantern #2
114,137 Flash #2
110,789 Detective Comics #2 [*]
106,472 Incredible Hulk #1
95,855 Wolverine and X-Men #1
95,599 Fear Itself #7
94,233 Superman #2 [*]
90,445 Batman The Dark Knight #2 [*]
88,926 Batman and Robin #2 [*]
79,060 Wonder Woman #2
75,227 Batgirl #2 [*]
74,392 Batwoman #2
72,107 Teen Titans #2 [*]
71,713 Green Lantern New Guardians #2
71,240 Aquaman #2 [*]
70,651 Green Lantern Corps #2 [*]
66,747 Red Lanterns #2 [*]
65,749 Nightwing #2 [*]
60,212 Uncanny X-Men #544
59,490 Justice League International #2 [*]
59,464 Fear Itself Fearless #1
59,426 Amazing Spider-Man #671
For an analysis of the dollar trends in October, see "DC Crushes Marvel."
For our estimates of actual sales by Diamond
For our estimates of actual sales by Diamond
For our estimates of actual sales by Diamond
For our estimates of actual sales by Diamond
For an overview and analysis of the best-selling comics and graphic novels in September, see "'Batman' #1 Tops September Sales." For an analysis of the dollar trends in September, see "DC Wins September Market Share."
For our index to our reports on the top comic and graphic novel preorders for January 2000 through October 2011, see "ICv2's Top 300 Comics and Top 300 GNs Index."