Today Marvel released two more images of the big time battles that are in store for fans when the Avengers vs. X-Men event debuts in April. The mammoth struggle between the members of the two Marvel superhero families looks like it is going to provide lots of action for fans who enjoy superhero brawls. How much of this event will be given over to a well-plotted narrative versus the amount of space and effort given over to chronicling the series’ many individual conflicts is still not known, but it appears quite clear that Marvel is trying to give the fans what they want.
The images released today show Spider-Man taking on Ice Man and in the first conflict across gender lines, Thor locked in combat with Storm. For an overview of the Avengers vs. X-Men event, see “Avengers vs. X-Men.” For a look at the only satellite series that will be published in conjunction with the event check out “AVX: ‘Versus’ 12-Issue Miniseries.” For a look at the first two Avengers vs. X-Men teaser images, see “Marvel Teases 'Avengers vs. X-Men.'”