In proof of Marvel’s contention that any one of its many thousands of characters could be the basis for potential media exploitation, Human Fly, which ran as a solo title for 19 issues in the late 70s, is in development as a feature film, according to Deadline. The comic was based on stuntman Rick Rojatt (although the movie's producers say it is based on Joe Ramacieri) and although we remember it as selling at around the bottom of Marvel’s line at the time, given trends since then its sales would probably rank it considerably higher now.
Rights were acquired by Alan Brewer and Steven Goldmann and Eisenberg-Fisher Productions will exec-produce with rumored private equity financing. The screenplay is by Tony Babinski, Cirque Du Soleil’s in-house historian.
Despite its low profile in the Marvel Universe, Human Fly did have significance to at least one comic retailer, who was beat up when he was 12 for bringing it home by his DC fan brother (see "Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk—There’s No Crying in Retailing").