Feeling blue.
This fella's costume may never have made it inside the exhibit hall due to the size of the doors.
On their way to the Starz booth, where they were promoting Spartacus.
One way Comic-Con organizers reduced congestion in the Convention Center was moving functions to nearby hotels. This volunteer was directing fans who'd gotten tickets for freebies at major panels to the Fulfillment Room in the Marriott to redeem their tickets for swag. Several volunteers were posted at all times along the route inside the hotel. We're not sure why they were used instead of signposts, but in this case, the volunteer definitely added something.
Also at the Marriott, Wizards of the Coast' table top gaming. Here, the entrance through the parking ramp (the closest entrance from the Convention Center).
We asked who she was, and she told us she just liked to dress up.
Power Girl, with attitude.
She's surrounded by horse people!
Ursula, from the Little Mermaid.