Fully Booked, a bookstore and a comic shop in Manila, is organizing a fundraiser for flood victims as the area was hit with unusually heavy monsoon rains that caused major flooding for the second week in a row. Kuo-Yu Liang of Diamond Book Distributors sent ICv2 an appeal from one of the principals at the store:
“We're actually organizing a fundraiser for the flood victims. We're soliciting donations from international comic book writers and artists to give what they can (signed books, original artwork, etc.). We're planning on holding either a local auction or on ebay for these items, and the proceeds will all go to those in need. A great many people have already pledged their support.”
Here is a link to the Fully Booked Blog where you can learn how you can help, and here is a link to the blog of comics creator Craig Thompson (Blankets, Habibi), who is also attempting to aid to the flood victims.