NYCC News: This morning Dynamite Entertainment announced that it has signed Fred Van Lente will write a quirky zombie comic book series that Dynamite will publish beginning in 2013.  Van Lente is just coming off of an exclusive contract with Marvel where he worked on Marvel Zombies, The Hulk, The Incredible Hercules, X-Men, and Deadpool.  Van Lente, who is know as one of the idiosyncratic of writers working in mainstream comics today, is also the co-founder of Evil Twin Comics, the publisher of the estimable Action Philosophers comic book series.
Van Lente explained his approach, "Like lots of things I do, my zombie project for Dynamite mocks a genre while being very much a part of that genre.  In a lot of zombie stories we get the beginning of a plague, or the zombie apocalypse, but we skip all the military, governmental, and just plain human screw-ups that got us from Point A to Point B.  Well that’s all this book is about--a global disaster of this magnitude results in a lot of global stupidity, and therein lies comedy.  Think of this as World War Z with jokes and a kind of a B movie, drive-in, grindhouse sensibility."