In honor of its tenth year of publishing in 2013 Aspen Comics has announced an ambitious "10 for 10" program that begins in February with the debut of Legend of the Shadow Clan by Dave Wohl, Brad Foxhaven, Cory Smith (Broken Pieces), and John Starr (Fathom). For ten consecutive months starting in February Aspen will release an all-new title featuring the studio’s top creators and a distinctive "10 for 10" trade dressing. The debut issues of all ten books will have a cover price of just $1 in order to encourage new customers to sample the new titles. Aspen also promises that both the print and the digital versions of the "10 for 10" comics will have exclusive content for their respective editions.
The first "10 for 10" title, Legend of the Shadow Clan chronicles the history of the clan’s storied conflicts, how they became intertwined with honor, and how they animate a contemporary saga of power and corruption. Look for the debut of this contemporary martial arts saga in February.