Today Marvel Comics issued two more minimally-worded teasers for upcoming Marvel Now story arcs. The "Game On" teaser for the Avengers Arena arc shows X-23, Hazmat, Nico, and Darkhawk on the cover of what is called a ""Killer" Board Game." Since Darkhawk was apparently killed at the conclusion of the recently released Avengers Arena #3, speculation abounds as to why the character appears in this teaser for the new story arc that begins in April. Unlike many of the new arcs that Marvel has been teasing, the creative team of Dennis Hopeless and Kev Walker will remain on Avengers Arena at least through the second arc.
Earlier in the day Marvel released a teaser for Kathryn Immonen’s Journey Into Mystery, which also inaugurates a second storyline in April. The teaser image by Matteo Scalera, who will be taking over art chores in April (from Valerio Schiti) features the single word "Ravenous" as well as Sif, who will be the focus of the new story arc, along with Thor and the Warriors Three.