Tokyopop has announced five new manga series for launch in July. The lead release is The Vision of Escaflowne, written by Aki Katsu and based on the anime series. The Escaflowne feature received a limited theatrical release in the U.S., and the series had a brief run on Fox Kids in 01. Both the feature and the series were released in regular and special edition DVDs from Bandai (see 'Bandai Readies Escaflowne Releases'). Bandai Toys also included Escaflowne in an anime toy set in 01. The shonen (boys) storyline features a schoolgirl whose tarot experience transports her to an alternate world where she battles an evil empire with a young prince she finds there.
Saber Marionette J, written by Satoru Akahori, is also based on an anime series released in the U.S. by Bandai. The story takes place in a world with no women, where men have developed female androids to take their place. The hero finds three special androids (Saber Marionettes) that have the ability to feel emotions, and hold the key to mankind's salvation.