Starlin is best known for his epic space opera work, which includes revamping Marvel’s Adam Warlock and Captain Marvel. His creations, which include Shang-Chi (Master of Kung Fu), Thanos, Drax the Destoyer, and Gamora will all have their profiles raised by Mavel this summer, thanks to a new Shang-Chi series in May (see "'Deadly Hands of Kung-Fu'"), a Thanos OGN (see "Starlin's 'Thanos' OGN"), and the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy film which features Drax and Gamora (see "New 30-Second 'Guardians' Profiles and Poster"). Thanos was also the mastermind behind Loki in The Avengers film, as well as a planned villain for Guardians and beyond (see "Feige Has a Plan for Marvel Movies Through 2021").
Dreadstar was the adventures of Vanth Dreadstar, the last survivor of the Milky Way Galaxy who battles to end the war between two evil empires: The Church of Instrumentality and The Monarchy. The character first appeared in Epic Illustrated #3, had various other appearances, and was later the first comic series to be published by Epic Comics, Marvel’s creator owned imprint, in 1982.
J.C. Spink, of Benderspink, who has executive producer credits on The Hangover series and We’re the Millers, will produce with Ford Lytle Gilmore of Illuminati. The two are currently seeking a writer for the script.