On his blog, TV and comic writer Mark Evanier had some interesting thoughts on the selection, noting that "Someone has to put up the $30,000 fee and do a lot of lobbying to get someone a star. Usually, it's done by a studio's public relations people... like maybe Time-Warner pressed to get Kane this star so they could stage a media event and promote some new Batman project." It could also be a late addition to the festivities for the year-long 75th Anniversary of Batman Celebration (see "75th Anniversary of Batman Celebration").
Evanier took the opportunity to stir the pot on the recent controversy surrounding credit for the creation of the Caped Crusader (see "Batman Creator Credit Battle Begins"). "Bob Kane, the contractual sole creator of Batman? ...We're talking about Bob Kane, the man who in his autobiography, regretted that he never put the name of his collaborator Bill Finger on the comics... but who never somehow got around to rectifying that and allowing it."
DC Comics, for its part, seems to be easing into capitulation, as in its own press release regarding the Star event they state "Since his first appearance in the May 1939 issue of Detective Comics #27--conceived of and drawn by a 22-year-old Kane with his frequent collaborator, Bill Finger, scripting the story..." (emphasis ours). DC has also recently given Finger his first-ever cover credit on an upcoming giveaway edition of Detective Comics #27 (see "DC Giving Finger Cover Credit").
Evanier had a parting thought, a vision which may help hasten DC raising the white flag, "And will there be protesters at the dedication ceremony with big signs that say WHAT ABOUT BILL FINGER? It wouldn't surprise me."