Inu-Yasha, the anime series based on Rumiko Takahashi's manga series, will be back on the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block with new episodes starting on August 25.  During July Inu-Yasha, currently the most popular anime program on the block, will take a break as The Big O 2 joins Adult Swim. 


In addition to the popularity of the anime, the Inu-Yasha manga series is also red hot.  It holds down three of the top ten spots on the most recent BookScan graphic novel bestseller list.  Clearly this is a hit property and new episodes will only help to keep interest high in this series, which appeals strongly to both genders.


Also joining Adult Swim on August 4 is Blue Gender, a tough post-apocalyptic science fiction anime set in a world ravaged by super viruses and taken over by a weird alien species known as 'the Blue.'  Funimation Productions, the company responsible for adapting DBZ, Dragon Ball, and Yu Yu Hakusho for American audiences, is producing Blue Gender, which is so violent that it may suffer cuts even on Adult Swim.