AdHouse Books is preparing to publish Southpaw, a 128-page graphic novel by Scott Morse, in the autumn of 2003. The eponymous hero of the graphic novel is a tough little tiger who battles robots. First introduced in Project:Telstar, which should be in comic shops and bookstores next week, Southpaw is one bad cat. AdHouse is publishing Southpaw in a daring 6' x 6' softcover volume with one panel per page -- a format that definitely recalls the Big-Little books of the 1930s. The interiors will be printed with a non-black one-color spot ink, while the cover will be printed in four color with end flaps that extend the art.
Scott Morse, who has worked on animation for the Cartoon Network, Universal, Disney, and Nickelodeon, has also garnered multiple Eisner and Ignatz nominations and was recently awarded the 2003 Attilio Micheluzzi Gran Premio in Naples, Italy. Morse described his latest project this way, 'With Southpaw, I drew on my love of Hemingway's short stories and film noir to give this little tiger a run for his money. Southpaw isn't just about knocking the screws of a few robots loose, it's about perseverance and doing the right thing, even if you have to do a few wrong things in the process.'