Mark Amoroso of Blackthorn Gamecenter in Dickson, Tennessee saw our coverage of Marvel Previews (see 'Marvel Adds Previews Supplement'), and shared his views:


What is the deal with Marvel?  They come up with 'brilliant' marketing plans and we retailers are forced to pay for it?  What's with this Marvel Previews?  Marvel has decided it wants it's own special marketing catalog (shades of Hero's World) and because of that our price for Diamond Previews will increase?

Unless I'm misunderstanding the press release, our net cost for Previews will now increase because of Marvel's tagalong.  If Marvel thinks it will sell more product for them then they should pick up the tab for this thing.  I, for one, am perfectly happy with Previews the way it is.  I didn't ask for this new publication and shouldn't be expected to pay for it.

Now my customers will have to tote home two catalogs and manage to keep track of them both (good idea make it HARDER for the customer).  I guess Marvel could always say too bad and pull their solicitations from Diamond Previews.  This would then make it even harder for the consumer to order and probably result in lost Marvel sales.

As it stands now, as easy as I've made ordering for my customers with e-mail, checklists and whatnot, I still end up doing many of their orders for them.  Most people want the ordering process easier, they don't want more stuff they have to look through.  It starts making ordering no longer fun, it become a chore.

In addition, I already give Previews to my subscribers.  I have done this since our store opened and my customers appreciate this service.  However, most, if not all of my customers have told me many times if they have to pay for Previews they would not get it.

I do not need additional costs to operate my business, which do not directly increase my income.  I hope Marvel rethinks this move, which I believe to be a disservice to the comics industry.  If it ain't broke...