Gail Burt of Metropolis Comics in Downey, California saw our coverage of Marvel Previews (see 'Marvel Adds Previews Supplement') and added her comments to the many we've received.
Mark Amoroso's comments (see 'Mark Amoroso of Blackthorn Gamecenter on Marvel Previews') were right on the money, and I add my voice to his in saying that according to my members, we should probably thank Marvel, because if we're really smart, we will not be ordering as many copies of Previews in response to this.  I have been polling all my reserve-box members as to whether they would (A) like to see an increase (by $5) in the yearly membership dues we charge and keep receiving Previews free every month (this is just one of many services and discounts they receive for their money), (B) keep their yearly dues the same as they are now, but get Previews only 6 times per year - and they don't get to choose which months, or (C) pay a reduced (by $5) membership fee and buy Previews at our cost?  The numbers are evenly divided: One third would prefer to pay an extra $5 per year and continue with Previews monthly, one third would prefer to get Previews only every other month, and one third would prefer to pay less membership dues....but almost all of this last group says it's because they rarely look at Previews anyhow and would most likely never buy it, even at cost.


So what does this mean for my store?  I will probably choose to order five copies of Previews each month, just to have them in the store - I currently order 55 to 75 copies (I actually have many more members than this, but for some odd reason, even though it's no charge for them, about half or even a little more do not take it).  On the odd months, I will order 55.  I will spend less money on Previews, and my customers will not have all those impulse items in their hands each month, unless I allow them to browse thru my store copy - which I will.  So now I'll have three store copies instead of one, and all my members and customers will still have Previews to look through, but I won't have to buy as many.  At $2.25 per copy, it's hard to justify the expense as it is.  But at $2.70 a copy, I can no longer simply chalk up that expense per month as 'cost of doing business.'  Because I have to be a little more careful, I'll probably save a little money.


But what's the long-term cost?  Well, I think the fewer people that take Previews with them when they leave the store, the fewer orders for items inside we will get.  That probably means less money overall for my store, less money overall for Diamond...but at least Marvel will be happy because Diamond is footing the bill for their latest IQ test.