IDW Publishing is behind a repackaged graphic novel of Richard Matheson's horror Classic I Am Legend, written by Steve Niles and illustrated by Elman Brown. This newest incarnation is actually the complete four-volume graphic novel released over a decade ago by Eclipse Books. Matheson's I Am Legend is the story of the last man on Earth and his struggle with the vampires that are now at the top of the food chain. The new package, entitled Richard Matheson's I Am Legend, is a 248-page, black and white trade paperback to retail for $35.00 beginning in November.
In March of 2002, Variety reported that Arnold Schwarzenegger had attached himself to a new film version of I Am Legend. Ridley Scott was originally slated to direct, with Schwarzenegger to act the lead. After budget problems, the film was reworked with Schwarzenegger moved to the roll of producer, with Will Smith to star and Pearl Harbor's Michael Bay to direct. This rumored version of I Am Legend -- which has already been adapted into Omega Man starring Charlton Heston and directed by Boris Sagal, and 1964's The Last Man on Earth by Ubaldo Ragona and Sidney Salkow -- is set in a post-biological war L.A. where mutants are trying to render the human race extinct.