Charlie Platt of Anime Mountain in Bend, Oregon saw our coverage of Tower Records' financial difficulties (see 'Tower Records To File Chapter 11') and has a suggestion for publisher/manufacturers exposed to financial risk from chain retailers:


There is always something sad about hearing a business is hitting hard times.  Even when that business is one of your competitors.  The music industry is hurting but THAT is a story for another forum and another day.  I want to take issue with a statement made in the article and suggest a possible (one at least) remedy.  The statement was:


'Tower was one of the first record chains to work hard at diversifying its product line with graphic novel sections and sell-through video, which now means that comic publishers and video producers (including anime distributors) may take part of the hit as Tower restructures its debt.'


My suggestion would be for publishers, prodders, and distributors to get back to paying more attention to those of us who are 'specialty retailers.'  Give us the better discounts, shipping rates, and marketing support.  We know your products better than anyone.  Give us the tools to bring our customers back and we can sell the heck out of your product.  If we can get back our customers then you don't have to take a hit.  If we sell product then you sell product.


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