Central Park Media has announced the release of its first two volumes of Korean comics (manhwa), Hardboiled Angel by Hyun Se Lee and Couple by Jae Sung Park and Sung Jae Park.  Tokyopop has released numerous manwha titles, some of which, such as Ragnarok and Demon's Diary, have been very successful here in the U.S.  Heavily influenced by manga, Korean comics are primarily printed in black-and-white in tankoubon-size volumes, but read from left to right like American comics rather than from right to left in the Japanese fashion.


Hardboiled Angel Book 1 is rated '16 UP' by CPM because of its gritty violence and dramatic themes.  Author and illustrator Hyun Se Park is credited with being the first manhwa creator to write for an adult audience.  The first volume of Hardboiled Angel features four tough as nails stories featuring Lee's detective hero Jiran.  The 256-page volume will ship in June with a cover price of $9.99.


Couple, which is rated '13 UP' is a delightful romantic comedy series written by Jae Sung Park and illustrated by Sung Jae Park.  A cute college girl gets evicted from her apartment and has to convince YoungHo to defy convention and let her stay at his place until she can finish her studies.  Lots of complications ensue in this title, which should find a ready audience among manga (and manhwa's) growing female readership.