The Cartoon Network has announced that the Justice League animated series, from Emmy Award-winner Bruce Timm, will end its run with Starcrossed, a 90-minute feature length conclusion to the series, now set for an air date of Saturday, May 29 at 7:30 pm (ET, PT). Although Starcrossed will mark the end of the first Justice League Animated series, which began in 2001, a new Justice League series, Justice League Unlimited will debut on August 7. While Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern will continue to lead the Justice League, in Justice League Unlimited they will be joined by Super Girl, Green Arrow, the Atom, Booster Gold, Hawk & Dove, Elongated Man, The Question, Mister Miracle, Big Barda, and Zatanna.
With the combination of the live action Smallville series on the WB as well as several animated series including Teen Titans and Justice League, heroes from DC Comics continue to rule the small screen, even though rival Marvel Comics' heroes dominate the big screen.