Rembert Parker of Reader Copies in Anderson, Indiana saw Steven Bates' column on 'Extreme Makeovers'(see ''I Think I Can Manage, Thank You'--Extreme Makeovers') and sees an application of the concept to comics:


'I have to wonder if it's not the same with Star Wars: would there be a market for unedited, unimproved, classic editions of the trilogy on DVD?


George, maybe it's time for restoration, not renovation.'


As I sit looking at stacks of unsold copies of Marvel Age comics gathering dust, I can't help but wish somebody would deliver that same message to Marvel -- is there a reason that Essential Fantastic Four Vol. 1 (a book I can sell) is still out of print after months of waiting while resources are poured into a project that so far has yielded no new sales in our store?


The opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the columnist and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial staff of