Joe Field, the founder of Free Comic Book Day and proprietor of Flying Colors Comics & Other Cool Stuff in Concord, California saw the Talk Back comment from Dean Phillips on the FCBD vote (see 'Dean Phillips of Krypton Comics on FCBD Election') and on running comic promotions in conjunction with Batman Begins next year, and sees two major promotional opportunities:


I read with interest Dean Phillips' comments about FCBD '05 standing on its own.  My suggestion to those who want a promotion tied to Batman Begins, 'Go for it!'


With FCBD in early May and Batman Begins scheduled some six weeks later, comic book retailers have a golden opportunity to do two big promotions to bring in potential new customers.  I'm confident we'll have a stellar selection of FCBD comics to give away on May 7 -- and I wouldn't be surprised if many retailers order extras to be given away at theaters and in our stores around the premier of Batman Begins.  And I have every confidence DC will pull out all the stops to help us promote Batman comics and DC Direct items to moviegoers.  As Chicago Cubs' Hall-of-Famer Ernie Banks used to say, 'Let's play two!'


The opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the columnist and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial staff of