The lawsuit brought by Marvel and Fox against Sony Pictures over the superhero comedy film Zoom, which is based on Jason Lethcoe's Zoom's Academy for the Super Gifted comic book, has been withdrawn. Fox and Marvel brought the suit (see 'Fox & Marvel Sue Sony') largely because Sony had planned to open Zoom on May 13th, 2006 just two weeks before the May 26th debut of X3, the third film in the popular X-Men franchise. However, citing the May 13th opening of Wolfgang Peterson's blockbuster remake of The Poseidon Adventure, Sony has decided to move the debut of Zoom to early August. The change of the opening of Zoom until well after X3 was evidently enough to satisfy Marvel and Fox since they have withdrawn their suit and dropped any demands for monetary damages.
Sony also changed the name of one of the characters in Zoom and altered the location of the film's superhero research laboratory to further distance the film from the X-Men franchise.