Jodie Foster's airplane thriller Flightplan easily outdistanced Tim Burton's Corpse Bride in the weekend box office derby. Flightplan earned $24.6 million to the Corpse Bride's $20.1, and won the per theater average battle as well--$7,198 to $6,282. It should be interesting to see which film ends up with a higher domestic gross; Flightplan has a big lead now but animated films usually have more 'legs' than thrillers.
Compared with the Burton-produced The Nightmare Before Christmas, which opened with an $8. 2 weekend and eventually grossed $50.3 million domestically in 1993, Tim Burton's Corpse Bride opened in twice as many theaters and had a distinctly better per theater average. Does this mean it will do a lot better than Nightmare or is it just an indication of the advances in movie marketing getting more fans into the theater on the opening weekend? Time will tell.