Wizard's Stewart Morales gave his Tony Robbins impression at the Diamond/Alliance Retailer Summit in Las Vegas, roaming the crowd with his headset mike touting upcoming and current Image releases.  A couple of projects caught our attention.  On the magazine front, Wizard plans a one-shot for January called Wizard Edge, which will give the publisher a venue for features on non-superhero comics.  As other genres gain more media and market attention, Wizard needs to expand its coverage of non-superhero comics, and this is the way its chosen to do so. 


Wizard is also planning a return to the comic price guide business with a one-shot in early 2002.  Since the price guide section of the monthly magazine can't include many titles, this will allow the publisher to cover many more mostly modern titles.  The format will be 250+ pages, color in the front, b/w in the back.  It will concentrate on the cross-overs and variant covers that Wizard excels at covering.